Tryptique - Tryptique (2024) FLAC


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Artist......: Tryptique
Album.......: Tryptique
Label.......: ZSAN Records
Genre.......: Jazz
Catnr.......: ZSAN7458
Source......: CD 2024-12-23 2024-10-19
Quality.....: 600 kbps avg / 44.1kHz / 2 channels

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\ / # title time \ /
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1. Wondering 5:07
2. Canarios 4:02
3. Retrato em Branco e Preto 7:10
4. Satin Doll 6:38
5. Eucalyptus 6:21
6. Compassion Blues 5:47
7. Themes 5:24
8. Do Look 6:20
9. Zeynebim 4:28
10. A Flower for Amadeus 4:40
11. Apres un reve 6:41
12. News for Bob 4:45

\ / ________ Runtime 67:23
,\ /... . . .... .... \ / ' Size 303.11______
:\/ ', \ / , \ /
' '... ..\ /.. .. .....:. .. .... .. . ..\ /.
: Release Notes: \/ , \/ ,
' '
,: Tryptique is chamber music with a jazz soul. It is a :,
: conversation between award winning musicians Fern Lindzon :
:' (piano), Colleen Allen (flute, saxophones) and George Koller ':
,: (bass). :,
: :
:' Tryptique is three kindred spirits with one compelling musical ':
,: vision that balances the resonance of history with the :,
: here-and-now of improvisation. Their music ranges from Baroque :
:' to bop to the blues and beyond, with a particular flair for the ':
,: work of several wonderful Canadian composers. :,
: :
:' Tryptique had its origins during the pandemic when Fern, ':
,: Colleen, and George were free to work on their art and craft, :,
: experiment, and expand their musical language. They met weekly, :
:' bringing in new classical, jazz, and world music pieces, ideas ':
,: for free improvisation, and original compositions. Tryptique :,
: became their pandemic silver lining. :
:' ':
,: Colleen, Fern and George have played together in many :,
: configurations over the years. George has played on all three of :
:' Fern's CDs going back to 2008, including Two Kites, which was ':
,: nominated for a JUNO Award as Vocal Jazz Album of the Year in :,
: 2012. :
:' ':
,: Colleen is a member of Hilario Duran s Latin Jazz Big Band, :,
: Manteca, Molly Johnson, and Marc Jordan s band. :
:' ':
,: George has performer/bassist/ credits on over 1600 albums in :,
: various genres. :
:' ':
: '
'.. ..'
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\ / GREETS: \ /
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\ / iPC BOSS HiT2000 1way UKi i8 RNS \ /
\ / MANDY DV8 pLAN9 BUTT \ /
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